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Eight Ways That Real Estate Investors Can Build Credibility

by Guest on Sep 6, 2012 General Property 2079 Views

Real estate investors need to attract investors, convince distressed homeowners or lenders to sell to them, and then find new renters or buyers to buy from them. For this reason, they have a lot of audiences they are marketing to and one of the best ways they can convince these audiences of their success is to build credibility with each audience.

Here are 8 ways to build credibility:

1. Write blog posts that show how you succeeded in a particular aspect of an investment transaction. Write and tag each blog post for a specific audience. For example, write a series of blog posts that are geared toward investors, and another series of blog posts geared toward lenders or distressed homeowners, and another series of blog posts geared toward potential buyers or renters.

2. Build your LinkedIn profile to include each success story. List successful investments, ask for recommendations, and participate actively in real estate investment groups. (Don't forget to tie your social media accounts to LinkedIn so you can cross-post your content.

3. Tweet regularly while you work. Tweet about meetings ("I'm about to meet with a homeowner" or "I just walked a potential buyer through the house I'm selling"), tweet about your opportunities ("I just invested in a duplex that I plan to fix-up and rent"), and tweet about your successes ("I just flipped a property and made 37% ROI!").

4. Pull together some of your success stories and put it into a PowerPoint. Use about 3 slides for each successful deal: A slide about the opportunity, a slide about what you did. And a slide about how the deal ended up being successful. (Once you have several deals under your belt, you might switch to using only 1 slide per deal). Use that PowerPoint as a foundation to create an investor relations package. Also, turn that PowerPoint into a PDF and make it downloadable from your blog or website.

5. Start your own real estate show on YouTube. Record a YouTube "diary" of your experiences as you invest in a piece of real estate. Either upload them regularly or pull them all together and edit them at the end to upload a single episode about a specific property.

6. Write an ebook (or print book) that describes your method and your successes. Make it a how-to book that shows others how to be as successful as you are. Post the first few chapters for free on your website and then sell the full ebook or book as a step-by-step method to succeed in real estate investing. This will help investors and banks see that you are really invested in the process and it can still build credibility even if they never read it.

7. Generate online "press" about your business by producing press releases that talk about each investment opportunity as it comes up. A series of these press releases will show you to be someone who delivers over and over again. And what is better for credibility than someone who Googles your name and sees page after page of search results that describe numerous investments you are involved with.

8. Use a site like to record your before-during-and-after progress on each investment property. Take pictures, post video, and pull together all of your media into

Want to make your credibility-building marketing even easier? Choose one of the ideas above and write content for it. Then copy, paste, and slightly revise the content into another one of the ideas above. Then copy, paste, and slightly revise the content yet again. You can reuse the same content over and over, making small changes for each medium.

Aaron Hoos is a freelance writer and internet marketer for financial and real estate businesses. Visit his blog for more real estate investor marketing ideas.

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